Monday, May 26, 2008

My Grannie's hair

So here's a link to a recent article about the popularity of red hair, including celebrities and other wanna be redheads who want the look my great grannie had! You can check out link below. So this is my great grandma Maggie's hair! Wow what a color! She was my Dad's maternal grandmother and obviously the main source of all the redhair in our family! She was born in 1884 and died in Long Beach in 1962. We lived behind her house from my parents' marriage until she died when I was sister Margie is named after her, not a redhead, but has two redheaded daughters with about the same gorgeous shade of red!


Red Randall said...

Wow that hair looks just like your hair!
Thats cool where did you find that little box of hair?

Red Dawn said...

Grandpa Ed has it! He sent me the photo. You're right mine is the same shade!

Juliet said...


Unknown said...

i'm with lewbella. that's kinda creepin me out!