Thursday, July 3, 2008

Redheads Climb Pretend Rocks

Just so you know, my brown headed daughter May reminds me continously of my obligation to provide the Redhead Admiration Society with redheads to admire. Sadly, I often fall short in my duties, offering these four little words of excuse, " I 2 B Z." That's English for "no tengo tiempo." Anyway, enough about me...let's talk redheads! So the street team, which now includes my niece May (she has her own post...) recently went fake rock climbing at Planet Granite in Sunnyvale and they met this nice rockhead, no! redhead named Patty T.who works there. He of course was honored to have his photo snapped by the very attractive redaintdead street team. And then this 2 B Z redhead took her own sweet time in adding him to the site, so long in fact that when the street team returned to climb the fake rocks Patty T (yes I checked the spelling) was crestfallen. "Hey redaintdead street team ," moaned Patty T. "I had a bunch of my rockhead friends here the other day and I got them to huddle around the computer to look at redaintdead and there I wasn't!" OK Patty T... now you got it! And I'm calling your work right now to let you know to get those rockheads huddled once more!


Red Randall said...

Oh yeah Redheads can climb rocks!

May said...

Cmon Patty T we know you're out there! Reveal yourself and comment on this blog!